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Showing posts from July, 2016

Two-thirds of used hard drives hold personally Data

New research from the Blancco Technology Group shows personal data remaining on old eBay hard drives long after they go out of use Users are failing to completely delete files when recycling hard drives Hard drives are not getting wiped of data at major firms, according to new research.  Moreover, those hard drives contain corporate information as well as data that could identify people. Blancco Technology Group bought a random sample of 200 hard drives on  eBay  and Craigslist.  Investigating further, researchers found around 67 per cent of the used drives contained personally identifiable information and 11 per cent held sensitive corporate data, including company emails, CRM records and spreadsheets containing sales projections and product inventories. The firm said its findings proved just how easy, common and dangerous it is when businesses buy back and/or resell used electronics without properly wiping all data from them. It added that firms...