With the rapid advancement in technology and the fast growing market of electronic gadgets, it is very common for every individual to be full of old gadgets, lying around in useless situation. On average, each individual buys a new product in a period of 3 to 4 years, causing an alarming increase in E-waste . Keeping in the view the number of potential damages that harmful material in Ewaste could cause, IT recycling should be our foremost priority. It is a crucial problem that requires immediate attention not only on individual level; rather need serious consideration at domestic level as well. Simply, disposing off your E waste in trash cans is not the solution of the problem. Every individual should start considering IT recycling which brings in various benefits. 1. Conservation Recycling: despite all its other benefits, the biggest one is conservation of valuable resources. By recycling our IT waste, we save almost half amount of energy that is needed in developing a n...
We help businesses recycle their old IT Equipment across the UK. Our company is Environment agency certified & we aim to deliver the best of services for our customers. All types of IT Equipment collected are disposed off ethically & securely.