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4 Types of Recycling Materials

4 recycling containers

Recycling is inevitable for the environment. Anyone can take part in recycling in order to save the environment. In case you are wondering what things can be recycled, this is what you need to know.

Eco Green IT London Tells About 4 Recycling Materials

There are several types of recycling. We can categorize recycling into 4 main categories.

Paper & Cardboard Recycling

Any type of paper or cardboard can be recycled. The process of recycling paper includes collecting the paper from various ways, sorting the paper with respect to the grade of the paper and soaking the paper in a mix of water and chemicals to make a pulp.

The pulp is cleaned up by tossing in machine, injecting air and soap-like chemicals to remove any type of ink or other residues and then drying the pulp in a screen. The fibres bind with each other as the water drains off. The rollers are then used to smooth the paper and squeeze remaining water.

Plastic Recycling

Plastic is the wonder invention of 20th century and a vital threat to the environment at the same time. Recycling of plastic is inevitable but unfortunately usually plastic can be recycled just one time and the material cannot be recycled again. Plastic recycling consists of 5 steps which are:

  • Sorting separately with respect to their make recycling accordingly, usually with shredded machines
  • Washing properly to get rid of adhesives and labels
  • Classification of plastic
  • Melting the plastic
  • Extruding the plastic into pallets

Metal Recycling

According to a study, metal is around 34.6 percent of all the solid waste collected for recycling each year. After paper, metal is the 2nd largest material to be recycled. The metal recycling process also includes 5 steps:

  • After collection from various sources, metal is sorted with respect to the type of metal.
  • Sorted metal is then shredded into tiny pieces.
  • The shredded metal is then divided into two categories, ferrous and non-ferrous materials which is then tested for radiation. In order to move the metal to the specialised facilities, the metal is compressed into cubes and balls. 
  • Metal is then melted and poured into moulds and formed into huge blocks. 
  • These blocks are then rolled with rollers into thin sheets and so that the metal is ready to be used again. 

Electronics Recycling

Almost all types of electronics can be recycled once their useful life ends. There are several companies that offer computer recycling services all over the globe. Electronics recycling uses both plastic recycling as well as metal recycling.

Electronic devices, once collected, are sorted out manually by highly skilled professionals. Batteries and coper are separated. The sorted items are then shredded into tiny pieces and then shaken to reduce the size.

Magnets then pick up the steel and iron debris from the shredded waste. This picked up waste is then separated by metallic and non-metallic debris and then recycled accordingly.

In order to separate the glass from plastic, water is being used. Plastic and glass is then recycled for reuse. Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) are recycled separately as it contains leads with glass which can be a real danger to environment if not handled with care. 

Look around you! Find anything made with these materials that is waste for you? Go ahead. Sort the materials and search for a recycling company in order to transport those materials.

Recycle Computers & Electronics with Eco Green IT London

These are the 4 materials that can be recycled. But if you want your electronic items to be recycled, you can always choose recycling services offered by Eco Green IT London.

Eco Green IT London offers professional computer and IT recycling services in London and many other cities. Operating from Nottingham, our recycling services are available in various cities in UK. Therefore, if you are looking for eco-friendly recycling services, book your equipment with us today.


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