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Benefits of using hard drive destruction services

Everything has a lifecycle but when it concerns sensitive information, such as in your personal hard drives, steps must be taken to destroy and dispose it off securely. It should be a business requirement of every individual and organization to ensure a true document destruction service. Most of us don’t dispose of an old computer because it can be a wealth of confidential information if accessed by the wrong hands. Data as such is hard to destroy, but at the same time, these piling old hard disks can create a toxic environment in the working premises. Professional hard drive destruction services ensure that every bit of information is rendered inaccessible before properly disposing off your hardware and probably put it into complete recycling.

Methods of destroying a hard drive

Sometimes erasing the hard drive isn’t enough. Even when you think that all the data has either been deleted, erased and degaussed, you may be far from restricting access to a determined hacker. It is only reasonable to go for a 100% destruction of your drive and this can follow several procedures.

1.       Wiping off the data

In case you want to recycle the hardware but ensure that the data is completely wiped off, you can use programs like Nuke (DBAN) or the free Darik’s Boot. DBAN as such has a great reputation among IT security experts and can help you in most cases.

2.       Physically destroying the drive

Another procedure to render your hard drive unusable is to physically destroy and puncture the spinning platter of the devices. There are several methods for the same and even dedicated destroyer devices like the DF-4 / DB-4000 / DB-6000 Destroyers can come into play. These devices work at great speed and help to bend, dismantle and puncture the media platter in the hard drives. This will even cause the hardware to shatter and the remnants are feed to your waste bin. These processes are fast, clean and quite safe (considering the data aspect of it). However, this isn’t quite environment friendly, as the toxic waste still goes into landfills and pollute the earth, water and air.

3.       Data destruction services

Professional hard drive destruction services will help you in both erasing all confidential information and physically destroying the hardware to redden the disk inaccessible. This is the most secure and eco friendly option as data completely erased and recycling makes sure that possible perpetrators don’t get any access to your catalogs. Several IT industries and production facilities opt for this option as it is cheap, fast and highly secure.

Benefits of hard drive destruction

The modern world runs on information. Ideas have been able to change fortune and make a company rise to the top or go bankrupt. As such, no entrepreneur or individual would want confidential data to end up in the wrong hands. Incidents have happened when improper methods of hard drive disposal have attracted hackers and subsequently losses have been borne by the original owners.

Apart from safeguarding your private information, a secure hard drive destruction service also contributes to the rising cause of saving the environment. IT and electronic wastes contribute more than 15% to the world’s toxicity and as such should be vehemently discouraged. Hard drive destruction also doesn’t cost much but can save you a lot in the long run.


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