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Where do my old Gadgets go?

It’s hard to imagine now that how people managed to survive without gadgets few years back. It seems that technological advancement has made our lives so easy that we cannot see ourselves without gadgets for less than a minute. But what happens to those old electronics that you bought them at last Christmas or when you had been to Europe and bought new MacBook? It might come as no surprise that we all have heap of unused gadgets that need to be sent at their right places but the harsh reality is a bit different. Every time a new cellphone launches, the counting of old cellphones starts increasing and that leads to a massive number which is beyond the numbers we all know. Since cellphones and computers are replaced more often, they are contributing more in e-waste.

You cannot predict by reading this article that how much e-waste we are producing every year. Though we can recycle the e-waste, only a small fraction of old electronics is actually recycled. It might happen due to lack of awareness about computer recycling or electronics recycling. Due to this ignorance, many people throw their old computers and gadgets out with the household rubbish without knowing how much toxins those e-waste contain. 

A lot of articles might have been written on electronics recycling, but it’s still a big question that how effectively the practice of recycling is being carried out. Keeping that in mind we have compiled a list of ways for you to make this really happen. 

Recycling basic Steps

Recycle it

Obsolete gadgets should not end up in garbage instead it should be properly destructed. You can drop off your old systems to computer recyclers who take out useful parts before dismantling it.  

Sell it

You can make some extra cash by selling your old computer provided your old system should be in working condition. 

Donate it

You can donate your old computer to non-profit organizations as well where needful people can use your old computer. 

Reuse it

Old machine can be reused like you can make it server by installing light version of Linux or you can give it to your child or your parents for web browsing. 

Note: Make sure you back up all your data and destroy the same before doing any of the above mentioned things. To learn more about why to destroy data, kindly read this.


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