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E-waste: The Problem with a Solution

If you are trying really hard to get rid of your old electronic item and you still don’t know what to do with your old electronic then you must read this post.

A huge amount of electronics items are purchased each year and thus million tones of electronic waste are generated but only a small proportion of e-waste is being recycled. Since electronic items are the most commonly used in homes and offices and thus its consumption is increasing at very fast rate and so is increasing e-waste. This problem has become one of the major problems that have drawn attention of the whole world towards itself.

Where does the problem lie?

E-waste is nothing but an old electronics that are thrown away in the garbage when they get old o become obsolete. Technology is growing so fast and in order to get to best devices, we usually try to get rid of old electronics and buy the new ones. Smartphones could be the best example here.

The Ultimate Remedy

Many of us are unaware of the fact how dangerous the elements found in computer, laptop and other electronics are and how they affect humans. Disposing off old electronics in wrong way might be dangerous for this and planet and its inhabitants as the elements in the electronics have a tendency to react with the air, water and soil and ultimately this affects us badly.

don't dump me

There certain methods by which the problem of e-waste can be eradicated to some extent. The first one is to recycle the recyclable items. If we can recycle certain e-waste, many things can be used again. However, there are some products that cannot be recycled completely. PVC cannot be recycled and thus it stays as such for years. If the manufacturers can find any alternative to PVC material which is recyclable, it would minimize the e-waste.

Another method is reuse. If old electronics can get repaired or refurbished, they can be sold again at much lower prices. This approach will help in saving the environment. You can donate your old items to charity so that they can use it. So next time when you will think of dumping your old computer into the garbage bin, just remember how your old thing that is of no use to you, can be used by someone.


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