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Data Destruction

data rendering

Data Destruction is the process of destroying data stored on hard disks, tapes and other forms of digital media, to ensure it is completely unreadable and cannot be accessed or used for unauthorised purposes. The software-based method overwrites the data and aims to completely destroy all electronic data with permanent data erasure going beyond basic deletion commands.

Holding on to old data actually slows down applications as well as increasing backup times and storage costs. Not only that, it dramatically increases the danger of attacks.

Data is distinct pieces of information that are usually formatted in a special way. Software is divided into two categories; data and programs. Generally data is used in day to day life to measure the capacity or size of any computer data file and is known as a gathered body of facts. Data can exist in a different variety of forms – as numbers or texts on pieces of paper, as bits and bytes stored in an electronic memory, or as facts that are stored in a person’s mind.

In computing, data is information that’s been translated into a different form that is more convenient to move or process, and today these information are converted into binary digital form.

An example would be the Census. Every 10 years since 1801, the census has one day where they have a count of all people and households. It is the most complete source of information about the population available. The survey is carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics. These statistics are then stored on a database.

With more and more organisations using computers to store and process personal information, gradually people became aware that there was a danger that the information stored could get into the wrong hands or be misused.

The 1998 Data Protection Act was then passed by Parliament to control the way information is handled and give legal rights to the people who have information about them stored.

At Eco Green IT Recycling, we provide on-site data destruction which can fully reassure you that the data has been destroyed. We then will provide you with a full audit report alongside a data destruction report with a data destruction certificate. In this report will be photographic evidence of the hard drive being destroyed as we take data destruction process very seriously.


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