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Here Are Some Mind-Boggling Facts About IT Recycling

IT recycling is relatively a new term for people. So, it can be said that most of the people are still not aware about this term. IT recycling is something of utter importance in this day and age. It is high time that this importance is understood properly.

The reason for such emphasis on importance of IT recycling is simply because tons of e-waste is disposed in landfills and making the environment more worse for all living beings. But there is nothing to worry about. This post will tell you some mind-boggling facts about IT recycling which will help you gain valuable knowledge about IT recycling. about IT Recycling

Lets have a look at some interesting facts about IT recycling. 

  • Huge amount of e-waste is dumped every year. Approximately 20-50 million tons of e-waste is disposed all over the world every year.
  • Computers and other IT equipment contain a high amount of precious metals like gold, silver and copper.
  • Around 80 percent of electronic products are dumped in landfills. This causes toxic gases to release in the air and major reason of pollution.
  • Other metallic substances such as lead and arsenic which are present in high amount in IT equipment, these harmful substances can lead to nervous system damage, failure of kidneys and lungs. Recycling Countries    

We have shortlisted 5 top countries who promote recycling practices. The high percentage of recycled products being used in these countries show that recycling is becoming part of our daily lives. So, here are the statistics:
  • Switzerland 52%
  • Austria 49.7%
  • Germany 48%
  • Netherlands 46%
  • Norway 40%

Some More Interesting Recycling Facts

  • Only 12.5% of the total e-waste gets recycled. All the rest of it ends up in landfills. This clearly shows the need to increase awareness among people about adopting recycling practices.
  •  From every 1 million cell phones recycled, 35000 lbs of copper, 750 lbs of silver and 75 lbs of gold can be recovered. Again, it shows that how much resources can be saved if we start recycling our old phones today.
  • According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), e-waste is the largest contributor of the total waste in North America. This is causing serious health and environmental problems in the region. E-waste Recycling Process

Now lets discuss the process of e-waste recycling. If you know the whole process, you will know what steps are involved in the recycling process.

Here are the five steps in which IT recycling is done. 
  • Collection
  • Transportation
  • Separation of parts according to their categories
  • Dismantling 
  • Recycling

Recycle your IT Equipment with Eco Green IT

Now that the whole recycling process is discussed, youll be glad to know that Eco Green IT follows these exact procedures to recycle computer and IT equipment. Our company offers recycling services for a wide-range of IT equipment.

Not only that, Eco Green IT offers secure data destruction and hard drive shredding services. Wherever you are, you just need to call us and our representatives will be at your doorstep.

Avail our environment friendly computer recycling services today and make our country and world a better place to live. For more information, read this post too 


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