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Global Warming And Landfill


What’s The Link? Waste material is a major hurdle because it reimburses areas where we live, play areas for kids and work. It’s a major threat to the public health because it causes harm in the oceans, rivers and the water systems. It kills the healthy environment and increases the amount of global warming. Waste in the landfill issues methane gas, and this is the greenhouse gas that adds to climate change.

In fact, methane in twenty-three times effective at trapping heat in the environment than carbon dioxide, which is the most prevailing greenhouse gas. We take out the trash and we get a lighter and cleaner feeling. But the landfill is full of food and other waster material that is decomposing and releasing methane, a greenhouse gas that is 28 times stronger than carbon dioxide. Landfill gas is also responsible for smog and worsening health conditions like asthma. 

According to Environmental Protection Agency estimates landfills are the third biggest contributor to methane emissions in the US, with nearly a fifth of the methane emissions is coming from these landfills. While the landfills make use of gas collection technology, researchers say that these techniques are needed to be improved at open landfill sites. We are dumping 70 million tons of global warming pollution elements in the environment and tomorrow we will be dumping more, and there is no effective internationally response. Until we start sharply decreasing global warming pollution, I will feel that I have failed.

New Creativities Needed 

Proper management of disposing waste and effective recycling is highly required to lessen the number of greenhouse emissions, as well as to save energy. New rules have been introduced to reduce the methane emissions, but this course of action focuses on the gas and oil industry and does not challenge key givers of methane emissions such as wastelands and agriculture.

Reduce Environmental Damage Through E-Waste Recycling 

Proper computer recycling is much needed. If you want to play a positive role in reducing the environmentally harming e-waste and securing your data, then recycling is something you need to think about it now. So if your company is committed to proper recycle of its technology products or old computers, ensure secure and environment-friendly recycling that follows proper recycling regulations. It is also essential to be aware that businesses are now legally accommodated to safely dispose of the potentially sensitive information in agreement with the current data security laws.


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