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8 Eco-conscious Ways to Dispose Hazardous Waste

Recycling, Waste, disposal, Eco-friendly

Hazardous waste can be found everywhere – from commercial offices to factories to heavy manufacturing plants in the form of chemicals, cleaning fluids, pesticides, batteries, nuclear power, and more. Even if you are not producing hazardous waste, you are indirectly contributing in some or the other way. Here are 8 steps you can take to ensure safe and Eco-friendly disposal of waste:

1. Incineration

Incineration is a safe way to dispose toxic waste and destroy hazardous waste. A big advantage of this method is the ability to transform flammable waste into energy sources. Advanced incinerators have greatly reduced the release of toxic gases in the environment. Incineration needs minimal amount of land, brings down the amount of trash to half and the residue produced is odorless.

2. Recycling

Certain treated hazardous waste can also be recycled instead of being directly dumped into a landfill. Companies are now also compacting recyclable waste to reach their green goals using industrial balers. Trash compactors are also an efficient waste disposal tool that makes recycling easy and attainable for industries.

3. Designating Special Days for Waste Collection

Find out facilities near you that collect hazardous waste on designated days to ensure appropriate and timely disposal of waste. For this you may also contact your local municipality and they should be able to guide you in the right direction.

4. Bioremediation

Bioremediation is one of the newest methods employed for hazardous waste disposal and it can be performed both onsite and offsite. The process involves the use of microorganisms and recombinant for breaking down harmful waste and treating areas that are contaminated with hazardous waste.

5. Burying Waste

Hazardous waste can be buried as long as it is restricted to specific locations, limited to certain materials and does not contaminate the groundwater. Burying waste ensures that polluting gases and hazardous effluents are not released into the environment while saving energy and reducing waste disposal costs significantly.

6. Solidification

Also known as stabilization, this approach involves the physical treatment of hazardous waste before it can be dumped into a landfill. Additives are mixed with the hazardous waste to prevent chemical reactions while solidifying the waste matter.

7. Landfills

Hazardous waste can be stored till it is no longer hazardous and when it loses its toxicity with time it can be safely placed in a landfill. Irresponsible disposal of hazardous materials is harmful to human health and also to the environment. Using the methods mentioned above, hazardous waste can be safely disposed and everyone can enjoy a safer environment including employees and the local residents of the surrounding areas. Safe waste disposal practices also prevent the contamination of soil and water and save industries from being subjected to hefty fines.

8. Emission Control

The less waste you produce the less waste you dispose and emission control is an easy way to achieve this goal. Abiding by the Clean Air Act, industries can prevent air pollution, make sure that they are not exceeding the emission limits and also ensure that they are disposing less hazardous waste into the environment. Industries can start by reducing the volume of hazardous waste using industrial compactors and balers, sign up for hazardous waste collection programs and finally recycle as much as possible with the help of recycling equipment to meet all their green goals efficiently.


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