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Server Disposal: How to Dispose Old Servers and IT Equipment

IT recycling

Nearly every home and workplace will have some IT equipment in use. Be that a PC system, a laptop, an iMac, tablets, or even cell phones – they all count as IT equipment. Our lives have been revolving around our tech-gadgets for a long time now. Newer gadgets also keep emerging on the face of earth every other day. Due to this, after the ‘survival of the fittest’, we are facing the dilemma of ‘possession of the newest’. With the arrival of new systems in the house, the need for the older ones is lost and landfills become their fate. Not only is this hazardous for the environment, but also a threat to the owners’ security. This makes secure server disposal as vital as oxygen is to the homo sapiens.

While monsters like e-waste and landfills are corroding our environment, many people keep living in ignorance of these threats. So, let us first make it clear what server disposal actually is.

Understanding Server Disposal

Server disposal or IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) basically comes under the umbrella term of IT recycling. When any sort of IT equipment reaches its expiry date, or the owner wants to replace it with a new one, it is characterised as E-waste. E-waste is the electronic scrap and debris which is the most recent kind of threat to our environment.

Electronic equipment contains dangerous and hazardous elements, like carcinogens and metals. These elements can easily, and dangerously, enter our atmosphere if disposed of carelessly into the landfills and waterways.

Secure server disposal allows the owner to disassemble the system into its separate components in an environment friendly manner. So, in a nutshell, server disposal is the secure recycling of any IT equipment.

Types of Servers

There are several kinds of servers for old computer disposal. So always make sure to choose the relevant package that the IT recycling company has to offer. The most commonly used servers are:

• Application Servers

Used to run software applications and eradicates the need for the software to be installed on separate systems. It is better to wipe the entire hard drive for such servers before disposing of it.

• Proxy Servers

Provides a link between a browser/app and an external server to proceed the command for connection, access, etc. It is strongly recommended to clean the hard disk or even destroy it before giving away the system.

• Gaming Servers

Popular among the gamers as it connects thousands of gamers around the globe for gaming. While such data might not be sensitive, still the destruction of data is advised before recycling.

• Web Servers

Responsible for website files hosting, the web servers allow the clients to connect to the database through a web browser. Like other servers, its recommended to clean and destroy the database on hard disk.

• Communication Servers

Offers a communication platform within a workplace. Sensitive information might be shared over these servers including e-mails, faxes, etc. Therefore, make sure to wipe it clean before disposing.

• Fax Servers

An alternate solution to telephone resources is a fax server. It handles the incoming and outgoing faxes. As any confidential document could have been faxed by this it’s advised to remove and wipe the hard drive before recycling.

• Mail Servers

As the name suggests, a mail server is used to receive and send e-mails. However, these servers can also store e-mails. So it cannot be stressed enough to thoroughly wipe the hard disk clean before handing it over for recycling.

• Database Servers

Manages and stores crucial data and handles requests regarding it. It always contains sensitive and private information stored which is why it is inevitable to erase the data. Manual destruction of the hard disk may be even preferable.

• File server

File servers handle the file sharing from a server to the system. Most systems store files in the database. It is recommended to delete all the files from the system before its disposal. Just like these servers, several other servers are also popular and most of these old servers need secure disposal.

IT disposal

Secure IT Equipment Disposal Tips

Dispose of the old servers and IT equipment by keeping in mind the following points:

• Remove Passwords

Manually remove any kind of passwords and account information that can be potentially useful for someone who’s not supposed to have that. Avoid data breaches and hackers’ attacks by securely eliminating any sort of information that could provide access to unauthorised personnel.

• Erase Confidential Data

Once you have decided to dispose of your system, there is no need for your files to be there. Throwing the drive in the bin isn’t the solution to that. The ordinary delete option is also not a reliable one. So, if you have sensitive information stored in the drive, first encrypt your data and then shred it using several shredding tools.

• Manually Destruct Storage Devices

Several companies have the kind of data stored on their drives that is never safe to dispose via software and tools. If you need to be completely sure that the confidential information wouldn’t leak, it’s better to physically destroy the storage devices. If you reside in the UK and you’re not sure about doing it yourself, hire a computer disposal London-based company to do it for you.

• Create a Backup

If you’re only transferring from one system to another and you might need the data stored on your current system, then it’s recommended to create a backup. So, before deleting anything, either transfer everything on to the new system or create a cloud-based backup that you can access anywhere.

• Call an IT Recycling Agency

Once you’re all set for the old computer disposal, it’s time to call the company you have chosen to carry out the recycling for you. If you need a step-by-step guide about choosing the right IT recycling agency, read Eco Green’s Guide for Safely Choosing the Right IT Disposal Services.

Eco Green IT Recycling Services

IT recycling services

IT recycling and secure server disposal is an efficient way to save the environment from tons of toxins being released into the air. It’s a great method to stop using more assets as the planet is growing every day in population. However, the funds are getting less and less, leaving a substantial influence on the environment worldwide. E-waste can be recycled for several purposes. For computer or laptop recycling choose an efficient agency who will help you get rid of your E-waste.

Eco Green has a vast experience in recycling IT equipment. In other words, they are experts in secure IT disposal. Recycling in large quantities, their IT recycling London team can make an assessment on the approximate value that they can achieve for your organisation. Their wide range of IT recycling services helps you maximise your gains. With a network of buyers across UK and Europe, they are able to offer revenue generation and maximum return on IT budgets.

Why Choose Us

• We hold a T11 exemption permit which allows us to recycle and refurbish any IT equipment (hazardous or non-hazardous)

• We are ICO registered

• We are approved by the Environmental Agency

• We are regularly visited and audited by the Environmental Agency

• All our staff is CRB checked & ID Card onsite

• We use our own bespoke data destruction machine, which was specifically created for our company

• We firmly believe in The 3 R’s of IT Recycling: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


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